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Engage with other Nigerians around the world and discuss politics. Find out how we plan on impacting the future of Nigeria for the better.


Sign up for our upcoming NairaKobo cryptocurrency. You can redeem points you earn from contributing to Nigeria Online for our upcoming NairaKobo cryptocurrency. Terms and conditions apply.


Nigeria Online is not just limited to politics; it’s also a social network for Nigerians. You are able to create/Join groups with common interests and goals. Find your state and engage with your communities. You will also be able to earn points for participating in activities on Nigeria Online. These points can be redeemed for a variety of rewards.​


Earn points for referring your friends and family. These points will be automatically awarded to you and will be publicly visible on your profile. There will be daily challenges to encourage participation. Referrals will run indefinitely so your ability to accumulate points is practically unlimited*


In order to encourage participation, we created a multivendor store for Nigerians living in Nigeria. Signup is free and we will have an accompanying mobile app up in time. Marketplace WILL NOT, at any point require a sign up fee.​


Optimize your profile with details about yourself and increase your point earning potential. Log in everyday to earn an extra point. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter for surprise packages.